Exotic. (not the dancer type)
I just got done with my "intro to clinics" and spent some time in the exotics ward today. I have a slight interest in exotics, but only specific exotics. I love rabbits, GPs, gerbils, rats and mice. I don't like birds, snakes, lizards, turtles, or most wildlife. Not that I don't enjoy them, I just don't find it rewarding to work with them. I don't really connect with them and the time I spent at a Wildlife shelter negatively influenced me with those animals. I do like ducks still though.
What did I get to do, you ask? Well! It was very interesting! I got to trim Budgie feathers. I learned the difference between primary and secondary feathers, and more importantly learned how to hold a small bird. I didn't quite get the hang of it at first and the Budgie bit me. It hurt as bad as getting your finger stuck in a stapler. Painful in an annoying way that could potentially
get worse. One of my classmates works in the ward and it was cool of her to show us the birds. The head tech did a fantastic job and I'm totally impressed with her. She can handle eagles. How many people can say that?
I also saw 2 types of eagles, several kinds of hawks, owls, and a kestrel. One reason I don't like working with birds is because they can really hurt you bad. Those talons man, they're nothing to mess with. Another reason I don't like working with birds (domestic or wildlife) is because I feel bad for them being stuck in those rooms. Really, they're quite nice rooms that are well maintained, large, and the birds are well cared for and fed. But I just feel so terrible that they cannot soar over the sky, as I feel they were meant to. It's, I know, a little awful to say but death seems better than never feeling your life's purpose.
I saw some goldfish radiographs and ultrasounds. Yes, there are people who will spend money to give their fish an ultrasound. Let me tell you: you can buy a whole lot of new fish for what that ultrasound would cost. So that was nice to see that people really go to those lengths. Mostly I am familiar with people whining and moaning over the cost of a vaccine and office call. But anyways, it was cool to see the swim bladder show up on the images.
I also saw some beak trims for some neat little brightly colored birds, and some nail trims as well. Oh, and there were also quite a few cute little squirrels there too! The one thing I do not enjoy about squirrels is how sharp their claws are. They can really dig into you, and they move very fast. So you can get real scratched up real fast. (From my experience handling several squirrels). Perhaps there is a better way, I'm sure there is. But I haven't learned it yet.
Last but not least was the rabbit with GI stasis. They were feeding him some critical care mixed with meds, followed with fluids. It was nice to see that the things I know are indeed practiced and useful knowledge. I am most experienced with rabbits (outside of cats and dogs) so it was neat to "talk some shop" about rabbits.
All in all it was interesting. It didn't quite rock my world, but I'd like to go back another time and check it out.
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