Olive Branch

In order to start the new semester off right, I will name some things I do like. There are plenty of things I do like; a have a good combo of things to have a good school experience.

1) My home. I love my home. It is the perfect size and very comfortable. I love how it is nice and warm in the winter and 100% my space. My home is pretty and smells good and contains things I enjoy and love.

2) My friends. Yesterday I came back into town and picked up my fish. He was being taken care of by one of my friends over break. She didn't charge me anything, though I offered, and he is in great shape. I also picked up my notes from a friend, who coughed up an extra few hundred bucks to get them for me since I missed book pickup. (I of course paid her back cash!) Now I'll be "prepared" for tomorrow! We're planning some fun events and aiming to be positive. I am lucky to have some good friends.

3) This town. I live in a good time in a good town. My town is very safe and peaceful. There are very few, if any, sketchy people. At my previous school it was in the city and it wasn't super safe. This whole town is extremely welcoming and the region is nurturing. I don't have concerns for my safety when I walk about, even at night.

4) My job. I love my part time job! It is fun, I feel like I'm good at it, I learn more, there's room to be creative, my schedule is flexible, my boss is reasonable, and it pays for my groceries. I also get some food from the kitchen for free, which I appreciate. My co-workers are a pretty good lot. I always look forward to going to work (unless I have like a 60 hour week).

5) Me. We have to appreciate ourselves for success, right? I guess I'm pretty awesome. I work part time, I go to school a ton, and I cook my own food. Doesn't sound impressive unless you try it, perhaps. I'm nice, a good height/weight, and I've done some cool stuff. Sometimes I get kind of down because school makes me feel stupid. I guess I just have to remember that in the being scheme of things I'm doing alright.

There. Olive branch extended. Your turn, new semester! Make your peace offering to me!

On a seperate note, my rabbit decided to poop all over the place. My guess is that it's his attempt at re-marking his space. Or he's just peeved at the 6.5 hour car ride yesterday. I hope he quits it soon.

"Hey, what's this smell? It smells a lot like me, but I'm not sure. I think I'll have to poop on it just in case."