I love the famer's market
The farmer's market here is awesome. It's actually a good market where you can buy your veggies and meat for the week. It's all pretty much organic too! There are some arts and crafts, food vendors, and the best tomatoes ever. EVER. I've been buying 3 huge tomatoes a week, I never knew tomatoes could be so tasty. I'm going to be so very disappointed when we hit November and the market is done. I so enjoy getting out to go shopping there. It's so much more fun, exciting, and the produce really is that much better.
I got my anatomy exam back, and I passed! Woohoo!! Now I didn't exactly pass with flying colors like a lot of my classmates, but I didn't exactly give myself a coronary studying. So I'm content. I'd like to do a little better for the next exam, but I'm not going to kill myself. I did study for the first exam, but I didn't push myself hard-- I had a relaxed attitude. I've been not studying as much, instead getting out and enjoying my new town/country side.
I graduated at the tip top of my class. I was stressed out, getting sick, grumpy, and I really disliked my life. I'm done with striving for the top grades, that's really only satisfying to a point.
Many of my classmates made charts, drawings, and did flashcards every night. I make some charts a few days before the exam. On one hand it's nice to know I'm doing fine just how I am. On the other hand, my perfectionist self would like to kick ass in class rank. But I'm content with my lifestyle - I like to think my calm, peaceful approach has it's benefits. Many of my uber stressed classmates have gotten sick.
It rained today and it was nice to hear on the roof of the trailer. A few days ago before the clouds came I was able to get out at night. I drove out into the middle of wheat field nowhere and parked -- I got to see the whole entire sky. It was amazing. Back home, we have trees everywhere, you don't get the WHOLE ENTIRE sky. I had 360 degrees of wide open sky, so many stars, I could actually see the milky way, and I even got a shooting star.
Now I know I'll have to push myself for the histology exam coming up. Histo is a bit more detailed. In fact, I should get back to studying for that ......
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