Be nice to your staff

Today was a drama filled day. Well, a drama filled morning.

I missed most of it, I don't get to work until later. Apparently there was some stress between a doctor and the support staff. I really don't like drama. I can see both sides of it - this particular doctor likes things done a particular way. The support staff is busy, hardworking, and can't always do things a particular way. It gets done, just differently. Anyways, it was stressful.

I try and get along with everyone, makes life easier. I hate fighting, it reminds me of my parents separation. Which I'm sure has made me mental in some form or another. So fighting really makes me uncomfortable. Thus this morning at work was very...uncomfortable.

So I did the only thing I could do. I made brownies. Brownies are a good way of saying "Let's stop being cranky." I like to think it helped in it's own small way. Some people deal by getting mad, some deal by talking, drinking, shooting, writing, etc. I like to make something tasty.

I'm sure all clinics have drama. I feel fortunate that the drama levels here are usually quite low. So I'll just count this as an odd happening.

Anyhoo, medically: the usual clinic happenings for today. Diarrhea, ear infections, eye infections, abscess, toe nail trims, tons of vaccinations.

I have to take a moment to get on my soapbox here. The topic: large dogs.

People, if you're going to have a large dog learn how to control it - get some good training. Otherwise you're just screwing yourself over. And the poor support staff/doctors who have to treat your large dog. You need to be responsible enough to make sure your dog can handle normal situations without knocking everything/everyone over and becoming a very real bite hazard. It's not cute, it's not fun, it's a hazard. Off the soapbox now.

We wrapped up the day with a sad case. A dog was missing for a few days and came back home unable to walk - it dragged itself home with the remaining good legs. The owners brought him in and we took x-rays. We found some spinal damage - likely he was hit by a car. There was a small chance that with an MRI and a consult we could learn more to potentially improve the animal's situation. But this would be very costly and the odds weren't that great. The couple elected to put the animal down. Afterwards I was able to feel the damage to the spine; the back was indeed broken. It was the right thing to put him down - he wasn't going to get any better and now he won't suffer anymore.

I do believe they go to a better place. A big field with lots of room run and play, always enough tasty food to eat, good smells to smell, other puppies and kitties to play with, never too hot and never too cold, no one to cause any hurt or harm. And I'll end the post on that happy note.