Full Moon, agh

Today, as you guessed, was a full moon. Which means 1 of 2 things:

1) All hell breaks loose
2) Everything is quiet. Too quiet. All of the sudden ... (see #1)

This morning was surgery-o-rama. We had a ton of dentals, lump removals, ear cleanings and x-rays. It was chaotic, but everyone was working together and in a general good mood.

We had one dog that was a particular pain in the ass. Some people may think that all we do is play with puppies and kitties. Nope. As much as we'd like to, we get animals that are just a pain. I have respect for all life, but I certainly don't love all animals. Like ones that bite me in the face. Definitely don't love them.

Animal handling can be difficult and certainly no one is perfect. You have to be tough/confident or you will not be in control. And when you're not in control of the situation, animals/people can get hurt.

Which is why it really gets my goat when people take aggressive animal behavior and anthropomorph it. Growing, lunging, and snapping are not "cute" and does not mean your dog is "happy to see you." People, people, people..... sigh.

Anyhoo, in case anyone was wondering the cheesecake turned out very well! I should post some pictures up here later. I also used the left over crust to make a pretty fruit tart! Yum : )