Leggo my Leg-o
We had a small puppy in for a leg amputation. The leg was broken far beyond any repair. It was flopping around in such a way that grossed out the whole clinic (which is hard to do). So amputation was the only option (other than spending thousands of dollars with a specialist with marginal possible success or putting the puppy down).
Thankful to say that everything went exceedingly well! The leg was removed without significant blood loss. Very little in fact! The recovery temperature was nothing short of a miracle and afterwards the little one was resting peacefully. She's been through so much at such a young age!
I was also impressed with our lead tech, being able to put an IV into such a tiny tiny vein! That is true skill, which some day I hope I have!
On a different topic I got a very nice compliment. "Why isn't some guy dating you?!" A very sweet compliment. They went on to tell my how smart, nice, and pretty I am in addition to being a good baker. They also said that anyone who wanted to date me had better be a good guy. That was just really nice and made my day. I wish everyone got to hear nice things about themselves like that, it's quite a warm fuzzy that someone thinks highly of you.
I finished the chocolates! I made 164 pieces of peanut butter balls. Yum. Some is going to work, friends, neighbors, the rest is traveling with me to my Grandmas. I think they took a total of 5 hours which isn't too bad. Nothing to technically difficult - just time consuming. I learned not to freeze them. Since it's fairly warm here now I can't just stick them in the garage to cool and harden. Turns out the fridge, not the freezer, is the correct location. They are yummy anyways!
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