Someone left the heat on...

It was hot today. Real hot. Today hit 93. I did not appreciate it. Neither did my rabbit. I placed a big box fan next to him but he just seemed PO'd.

Yesterday was nice and in the upper 70's, low 80s, it was most enjoyable. One of my favorite things to do in the winter: turn on the heater to the 70's, grab a blanket, make a warm fort over the heater, then fall asleep when I finally get nice and warm. Yesterday was the perfect temperature that I seek with my blanket fort, except it was outside and wonderfully sunny. I was able to take a nice long walk about the block.

Everything smells good. It's amazing how different this place is winter vs. summer. Different smells, different sounds, completely different look. I'm really enjoying the smell. We got done with lush wet spring growing smell, now it's 'everything is happy and growing' smell. Next when it has truly gotten to summer, we will have 'now it's hot and everything is dried up' smell.

My favorite shelter had a fundraiser today. It did not go as well as we had hoped, partly because the weather was so nice/hot that we're thinking everyone had other things to do. Go boating. Find AC. Get otter pops. I could go for some otter pops. After the shelter fundraiser I went to my good buddy's house and got some dinner.

This week at work we've had an interesting mix. Including a power outage. You know you're practicing good medicine when not even a lack of power can stop you. Fortunately it was only for a few minutes, 15 max.

I'm thinking I will try to blog a little everyday. I want to remember each day so that when I'm in vet school, lonely and homesick I can re-read these posts and remember what it was like to be happy at home.